Recent Developments in Social Interaction Technology and Their Relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Recent Developments in Social Interaction Technology and Their Relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder

As a consultant, I have the opportunity to look at research and technical advancement in many areas of autism. So much work is being done by the biggest technology companies to the smallest. The employment of eyewear equipped with cameras that face outward as a means of producing an immersive, mixed reality experience is a fascinating concept that is in development. During social encounters, this technology could provide users with individualized assistance in the form of social prompting by combining computer visuals with a video stream of the actual environment.

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92% of consumers view companies that hire autistic employees more favorably. How can your company ensure they advance on this positive statistic?

92% of consumers view companies that hire autistic employees more favorably. How can your company ensure they advance on this positive statistic?

(Estimated Read Time- 10 Minutes) If you're like me, you've seen the news stories about companies hiring autistic employees as a smart business move. Since 2010, Google has hired hundreds of people on the spectrum and seen a 40% increase in retention rate. Other companies that have followed suit have seen similar results. But what does this mean for your company? Do you need to hire someone with autism? Can it lead to a better customer experience and increased sales? The answer is yes!

Let's take a look at some examples of how employers can leverage their positive reputation among consumers by hiring employees on the spectrum:

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Productive ways to calm an autistic child with anxiety

Productive ways to calm an autistic child with anxiety

(5 minute Read) Anxiety is a normal and common part of life, but it can be especially difficult to deal with for people on the autism spectrum. Sensory processing issues can make anxiety worse for autistic children, who might feel overwhelmed by their feelings or have trouble expressing them.

In this post I’ll explain how to talk about anxiety with your child so that he feels understood and supported—and so that you don’t make him feel worse! You'll learn some productive ways to help an anxious child...

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